Flight Travel Time Calculation, Airport Distances

Calculate the flight time and distance between cities and see the travel distance in both kilometers, miles and nautical miles.
The flight time and distance calculator will give you the shortest air travel distance (great circle) between the two cities along with location map.
As a result of the calculation, you can see the flight time and distance between two cities.

Flight distances between some major and important cities in the world
From City to City Flight Duration
Paris to Abidjan flight time 6 hours 58 minutes
Lahore to Sokoto flight time 10 hours 24 minutes
Vladivostok to Cochabamba flight time 23 hours 50 minutes
Port Harcourt to Recife flight time 6 hours 56 minutes
Bouaké to Tripoli flight time 4 hours 49 minutes
Port-au-Prince to Colombo flight time 22 hours 38 minutes
Lyon to Hannover flight time 1 hours 10 minutes
Mosul to Cape Town flight time 11 hours 44 minutes
Kobe to Samarkand flight time 8 hours 27 minutes
Cebu City to Brazzaville flight time 17 hours 19 minutes
Maracay to Samarinda flight time 26 hours 52 minutes
Hermosillo to Edmonton flight time 3 hours 53 minutes
Nashville to Bursa flight time 13 hours 30 minutes
Dhaka to Warsaw flight time 9 hours 21 minutes
Tabriz to Sofia flight time 2 hours 51 minutes
Maturín to Phoenix flight time 5 hours 37 minutes
Bandung to Puebla flight time 21 hours 3 minutes
Casablanca to Oklahoma City flight time 11 hours 19 minutes
Amman to Yinchuan flight time 8 hours 57 minutes
Volgograd to Benin City flight time 8 hours 30 minutes

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